The following is a Guide for the best, in my opinion, stats to put Stat Points in, depending on your Race, Zanpakuto, and/or Character biography.
Zanpakuto Powers as a Shinigami make a large impact on your Character's bio, and sometimes even the appearance of your Character. But in this case I will explain some good tips on using Stat Points to make your character use it's Zanpakuto powers to it's full potential, whether your RP a Zanpakuto as something else or not, the boost is always the same. In this case, I will explain most of the Zanpakuto Powers, abilities, and the best stats to allocate points.
Strength Only Zanpakuto's (2 Points to Strength each level up)
Ikkaku -This Zanpakuto allows your Strength to Multiply by 3, which is definitively a great Shikai if you have managed to put all your stat points into Strength from the beginning of the game. This Zanpakuto is Ranged, and is extremely powerful if used correctly. It's Bankai is an even larger power boost, of an unknown multiple, and tends to be a bit weaker than the shikai, in terms of damage, if not mastered.
Yumichiki -This Zanpakuto is also very powerful, but it's boost is not nearly as high as Ikkaku. On the other hand, possibly better than the aspect of power, the Damage ratio is increased AND every melee attack restores your Health to full. This Zanpakuto also has an AoE(Area of Effect) skill, which slashes all around and does some pretty good damage.
Kenpachi -This Zanpakuto is regarded as the most powerful of the Strength-based Zanpakuto's, and increases your Strength by an extreme variable, but it has a drawback. Your character moves slower, and Shunpo does not work with the Shikai activated.
Strength and Reiatsu Zanpakuto's (1 Point to Strength, and 1 to Reiatsu each level up)
Jiroubo -This Zanpakuto is a very precarious, and ranged, Zanpakuto. Unlike Byakuya, which is primarily Reiatsu, Jiroubo can end up being even stronger, if the user understands that you -need- to stick to the build. This Shikai skill allows the user to send forwards, backwards, and side to side, multiple blades to slice the enemy, doing excellent Damage.
Yammamoto -This Zanpakuto is immensly powerful, if you can manage to get lucky and have the correct build before obtaining it. The Shikai increases both Reiatsu and Strength(Use this boost for using Kidous!), but it's slash attacks are only Strength based. This can be stragetically used by Kidou-Masters, especially Captains.
Hisagi -This Zanpakuto is pretty good, but rather dismal if the user cannot RP well. Although you cannot RP the same skills as Hisagi, you can create similar ones, and the damage from the water attacks are pretty good, but not as good as Yammamoto's attacks.
Reiatsu Only Based Zanpakuto's (2 Points to Reiatsu per Level up)
Byakuya - This Zanpakuto is extremely good, better than Jiroubo, in my opinion. It can be used as a cloak to keep enemy attacks off of you, and as a weapon, going through even blades to do immense damage, nearly twice as much as Jiroubo's blades. I believe that the Scene of Massacre has been added, but if not, then once/if it is, the boost of Byakuya's Bankai should increase your strength enough to easilly take advantage of a petal arena.
Mayuri - Not much of a great Zanpakuto, but it does have its perks. On top of being a great Reiatsu based-skill used shikai, once activated it changes the melee attacks to firing poison waves, doing extremely high damage, and is a pretty good idea when fighting someone with Strength based Zanpakutos.
Hinamori - Not an impressive Zanpakuto to most, but it is VERY useful. Ontop of the immensely high Reiatsu boost, the Shikai's skills include a power blast, which is similar to a Kidou spell, BUT can be used Simultaneously with a Kidou spell, such as Byakurai or Soukatsui, and create valuable combos.
Strength Only Zanpakuto's (2 Points to Strength per Level up)
Luppi - A strange Zanpakuto, and sometimes even creepy, but it is a pretty good strength based Ressureccion. All in all, it has no skills that I know of, but it is an all-right boost.
Bull-Horns(I know, funny right?) - This Zanpakuto is just plain scary. It makes your body turn into a giant bull, and gives a huge strength boost. On top of this, you get nothing. Crashed your hopes? Oh well. Not a very good Ressureccion.
Yo-Yo(Not sure of the actual Name) - This Zanpakuto is actually a very good, long ranged, and powerful Ressureccion. Boosting your Strength by nearly double, it is indeed useful, especially when in a long-ranged fight. The Yo-Yo follows your arrow keys to do incredible damage to your opponent.
Strength and Reiatsu Zanpakuto's (1 Point to Each per Level up)
Grimmjow - Yes, this is both. The boost to both stats are impressive, but it is -NOTHING- compared to it's speed boost, and it's Skill is a combination of Reiatsu and Strength, ending with a powerful slashing damage that fires at three tiles wide.
Harribel - Yes, it is Harribel and NOT Halibel. But to the point: This Ressureccion is extremely powerful, having three, maybe four, skills. Most notably the Water Tornado, which does damage to EVERYONE within it's range, including you. Though it's skills are Reiatsu based, the strength boost is enough to allow you to practically kill anyone by using a simple melee boost.
Nnoitra - A giant ax wielder, which is a pretty O.K strength boost, no skills or anything though.
Reiatsu Only Zanpakuto's (2 Points to Reiatsu per Level up)
Starrk - Impressively awesome, firing ceros without delay, and creating a cero wolf which will annihilate anyone in your way. The boost is extremely good too.
Baraggan - Good, and very powerful. This Ressureccion grants the user a pretty good skill set, each based off of Reiatsu, and the Ressureccion itself is a very good one.
Ulquiorra - The. Best. Ressureccion. Ever. Seriously, this Ressureccion is easily more powerful then the rest, not including Starrk's cero wolves. Mainly due to the giant black Cero and the high-speed regeneration. Impressive to say the least.
All Quincies should rely solely on Reiatsu, so put both stat points into Reiatsu every level up.
All masks have different boosts, and you should adjust the Build of your character to the boost of the mask.
Special Human (Sado/Inoue)
Sado - should be split between both Strength and Reiatsu, for the Boost to Strength from using the Arms, and the Reiatsu for the skills.
Inoue - Should only be Reiatsu based, as this is mainly a healing and defending class, with only one attack that is Reiatsu based. Not much of a boost for this race.